Shadow Time
We've all been there - it's that split second difference between the world as we know it and everything standing on its head. In his new series of works, Wu Jun (Chinese, b.1959), interrogates the relationship between change and state of mind.
A sudden, jarring event has the ability to displace, as if pushing you outside yourself. Wu Jun's work captures this feeling - the figures are floating through shades of time, merging past, present, and future. Disconnected, they are both at one with and suspended above it all. Some figures are engaged with the viewer, others are more contemplative - all searching for a way forward.
This series evolves the concepts that Wu Jun previously explored in his City Migrator series (see my post, "City Migrators: the Winds of Change").
Wu Jun, Box No. IX, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 155cm x 110cm
Wu Jun, Shadow Time II, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 120cm x 168c
Wu Jun, Which Way Forward, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 90cm x 120c
Wu Jun, Shadow Time III, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 120cm x 68cm
Wu Jun, Into the Future, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 90cm x 120cm