Inner Child

Mariya Golub captures the inner child who survives in all of us despite the process of growing up, where exists unscathed by life’s ups and downs the sweet innocence of pure joy for no reason, reminding us to believe in magic.

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Katrine LevinComment
Orange Flight

Whether it’s sunset or autumn, there is something about the colour orange that lifts the soul. For me it’s the deep, burnt-orange variety that is almost physically luscious, like surrendering to the smooth embrace of a spoonful of orange soufflé.

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Katrine LevinComment
Journeying Within

The hardest journey is the one within. It takes courage to break the safe lull of the familiar daily routine for some time in solitude and quiet contemplation; courage to dive deep for a private audience with your soul, facing the unknown and the darker crevices, a requisite passage towards the light.

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Katrine LevinComment
Casting a Shadow

Vibrant colours, surreal forms, and lingering shadows cast by the bright hot sun - there is more here than meets the eye. Not much about the work of South African artist Sibusiso Duma has been published but this is what I discovered so far.

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Journey into Light

Continuing the theme of light, I was going to write about colour theory and colour psychology, even taking a detour into Carl Jung’s colour personality theory. But there are times when images need to speak their own truth.

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Katrine LevinComment
Beyond the Construct

The origins and original meaning of The Flammarion wood engraving are unknown yet the engraving - which is named after its first known use in an 1888 text by Camille Flammarion - is one of the most studied and reproduced illustrations of man's quest for knowledge of the universe.

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Katrine LevinComment

“Every single thing in the world around us is made up of atoms in motion, molecules in flux. To capture this constant ‘becoming’ — this is what drives me on and drives me mad.” - Fabienne Verdier

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Katrine LevinComment
The Deal

Set against a cityscape, two figures are exchanging a key for a bag of coins. Our first impression is not positive. Each artwork is a story. So what’s the deal with The Deal? The premise seems simple, but is it?

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Katrine LevinComment